Saturday, 20 August 2016

Importance of webmasters tools and google analytics in SEO

Google webmasters tools and Google analytics

Search engine optimization needs some tools to control  and manage its actions. They are known as SEO tools. One of the important SEO tool used is Google webmaster tool. As its name indicates it is a tool for webmasters. Webmaster tool connects webmasters with Google. It allows Google to  view your site and maintain your site presence there. Nowadays Google modified its name from webmasters tool to SEARCH CONSOLE. 

How Google webmaster tool view your site?

1. List the internal and external link to your site.
2. Adjust the crawl rate.
3. Check the keywords users typed to land your site.
4. Click the  rate for each keyword.

Why we use search console

  • To ensure Google has accesses to your content
  • Maintain your site with minimum disruptions
  • Monitor and resolve spam issues
  • Submitt new content for crawling 
Along with webmaster tool if you use Google analytics it is seem to be better. Datas gained by webmaster tool can be accessed directly from Google analytics.
In order to use Google webmaster tool first you need to verify your ownership. When you login to your webmastertool account you can see there a dashboard of it. It contains search queries, Links to your site, Crawl errors, Keywords, Sitemaps.

Google Analytics 

Google analytics is a web analytic service. And it is a tracking software, that track and report website traffic. Google analytics show datas based on visit to the website. Mainly there are four types of visits,

1. Direct visit

direct traffic

 People  type searches directly in to Google. Direct traffic includes traffic from sources such as bookmarks, favorites, saved browser history, or direct url into the browser. There is no referring websites. 

2. Referal visit

 It work as a recommendation from one website to another. Referral traffic is a Google method to report visits to your sites from outsides. When someone click a hyper link to go to a new page on another website, analytics consider that click as a referral visit to that website.

 referral visit seo


3. Organic visit

Organic traffic is usually consider as a traffic from search engines such as Google, yahoo. It occures as a result of unpaid search results.
organic visit

4.Social media visit

Traffic that happens through social medias such as facebook,twitter etc. You  able to track incoming traffic, conversions, and landing pages originating from social platforms. Social plugin buttons helps to share social content on your site.

You can checkout my previous post, Search engine optimisation and SEO tips. If you like my post please add your comments.

Thursday, 18 August 2016


On Page Optimization

We have seen what is SEO? in my previous post. Most of the people in vain starts and run their  sites without knowing the importance of  optimization. The first thing that should be known by a person who starts a blog is, a blog contains a head section and a body section. The head section is comprised of  SEO title
on page seo
and meta description. Our SEO title is a recognition for our web page. The body section contains the  content that we need to describe. Both head section and body section need optimization. Let's have a look at optimization of head section and body section.

Head section optimization

Head section  contains title and meta description. Important keywords can be give as our title and it is consider as h1. Another important thing should consider is pixel width. A pixel width of 512 is commonly used. In case if a title is not given,  h2 from body section is taken. The title we choose should be unique. Meta description is a 160 character snippet. It gives as a small description about the page.

Body section optimization

This optimization comprise of anchor text optimization, image optimization, content optimization, authorship optimization.

Anchor text optimization

Anchor text is explained as a text added with hyper link.  A user and bots deals anchor text differently. For each user anchor text is a reference for know more about the content described. It is a recommendation for each bot. Anchor text is relevant for giving link to a page. The blue underlined anchor text  is a click able text.   
 anchor text optimisation

Image optimization

In search engine optimization, image optimization has its own vital role. Image optimization reduce the size of image and improve the quality of image. When we use an image it must be ensure that an ALT text is included in it. It will provide a clear text alternative of image.

For identifying an image
1. ALT text is used
2. Image file name
3. Contents surrounding the image

A hyper link can be give for image. While give hyper link it should be noted that ALT text should not be the focusing keyword.

Content optimization

1. Keyword density 

Keyword density is important for content optimization. 4-5% keyword density is permitted. Beyond 6-7%  is consider as keyword stuffing. 
2. Sentences should not be too much long
3. Provide space after full stop and commas 
4. Specific keyword can be arrange just before  a fullstops and commas

Authorship Optimization   

auhourship optimisation

It  establish authority of our blog. It involves creation of links from Google+ to  other sites, blogs. This optimization improve the visibility of our blog and add more links.

I  have published a post on what is search engine optimization
If you like my post, you can add your comments and also you can share it to your friends.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ? 


search engine optimization

Search engines are programs that search documents for specific keywords. This make people to spend there time in website. SEO is “search engine optimization”, as its name indicates it optimize the search engine results. It can be considered as a marketing website which provide SEO services. Search Engine Optimization services includes on line optimization, off line optimization, web designing, content writing. It helps small business owners with variety of skill levels. Ad-words and ad-sense become the prominent features of Search Engine Optimization. Thus it make SEO a money making means.

How SEO Works

Search engine works through three process named as
  • crawling
  • Catching
  •  indexing
1.Crawling - Google visit websites for tracking purposes. crawling is done by 
   web crawlers.
2.Catching - after crawling snapshot of document is stored on database
3.Indexing - indexing is done on stored data

Black Hats and White Hats  


There is ethical and non ethical Search Engine Optimization practices which are referred as white hats and black hats respectively. White hat SEO optimize a web page only in a ethical manner. At the time a black hat SEO performs many punishable things. Google had taken many preventive measures. Keyword stuffing is an example for one of such black hat practice.


Google Page Rank   


Link farming is a specially talk-en feature. Another prominent feature of Search Engine Optimization is page rank. Page rank is a measurement for knowing the importance of a website. It is based on count and quality of links available to a website. It was the first algorithm used by Google. While give page rank it is noted that whether it is content specific, link specific, or quality link specific. For example to a website if many links are coming, in that on topic links will get more priority.


Passing the juice         

SEO passing the juice

Link juice is a term used to explain transfer of power from one link  to another web page. Each link can give its link juice to other links. In order to maintain equity  while transferring power to lower  websites an attribution, rel=no follow can be used.

Google Updates

Google algorithm updates interprets the way people search. So frequent updates are need here. Google updates like panda, penguin, humming bird and the latest pigeon updates have there strong influence on SEO. It also opens possibilities for individuals to visit websites maintaining power of equity. These Google updates improve the quality. For example, Google panda updates cut the visibility of websites who do spaming.

 Panda Updates                           
panda updation

Actions like content spaming, low quality content spaming, content spinning, content thinning are prevented by panda updates. 


 Penguin Updates      

penguine updation

Another update called penguin update was introduced against link spaming. Other timely updates of Google
  • EMD update
  • Humming bird update
  • Rankbrain update
  • and the latest piegion update
    EMD Update

    EMD updation is Exact Match Domain updation. More than one site will   focus on same keyword.

    Humming Bird Update

    Humming bird updation is concentrated on semantic search results.
    Rack brain Update

    Rack brain updation is an advanced version of Hummingbird updation.
     Pigeon Update
    pigeon updation

    Pigeon update is now the latest update done by Google. This update is mainly related to local Search Engine Optimization.

Social Influence

Influence of social medias also play a vital role in SEO practices. Face book, twitter like social medias give support for promote Search Engine Optimization practices in their on way. By making websites more mobile friendly possibilities of Search Engine Optimization increases widely.